2011.11.16. 23:48

I know that I don't really have an audition here, but I must share this anyway. An important thing before you continue:
This is not a political blog and it won't be. This is about something what everyone needs, something what everyone has a right for. It's about FREEDOM.

How do we want to explore our solar system, our galaxy and the universe, if we block eachother on EARTH?? STOP THIS!!! Geez, is there a hope for the humanity? The ffucchk... 


Share this if you feel the same and you want to live in FREEDOM! Share this if you have kids, share this if you want kids! Share this if you don't want a fucked up future...

I demand a resolution without war and nukes. If it fails, I'll recommend the building of our few good friends - Doomsday engines.

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